Protective Security – How it works

21 June, 2021

A combination of physical, information and personnel security is the most effective form of Protective Security. The three should complement each other in mitigating risks and securing a business from attacks. Every business is different, with different types of risks, which should be assessed before deciding the most appropriate combination of Protective Security.


Physical Security

Physical security is the protection of people, property, and physical assets from actions and events that could cause damage or loss. For example:

  • Intruder detection and alarms
  • Access/Entrance control systems
  • Security guarding
  • Hostile vehicle mitigation, including vehicle security barriers
  • Blast protection
  • Ballistic protection
  • Manual Attack protection


Safetell has multiple Physical Security Products to assist with Protective Security which can be found here.


Information Security

The state of being protected against the unauthorised use of information, especially electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this. For example:

  • Network access control measures (typically enforced by ‘firewalls’)
  • Electronic attack intrusion detection and prevention
  • Identification and authentication measures (e.g. username/password)


Personnel Security

A system of policies and procedures which aim to manage and minimise the risk of people exploiting legitimate access to an organisation’s assets or premises for unauthorised purposes.

  • Identity checking and pre-employment screening
  • Risk assessment procedures
  • Ongoing security measures


We are open to questions and discussion with our customers and audience about physical security. If you have any questions, let us know


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