automatic door standards

What is the current safety standard that applies for powered pedestrian doors?

05 October, 2023

Automatic door safety is of paramount importance to ensure the well-being and protection of

anyone who uses it.  Meeting automatic door legislation and adhering to safety standards is

crucial for any organisation where one is installed. Automatic doors provide convenience,

accessibility, and efficiency, but they also pose potential risks if not properly maintained and

operated. By complying with automatic door legislation, businesses can ensure that their doors

meet the necessary automatic door standards, including the installation of appropriate

sensors, safety features, and emergency systems.


Meeting automatic door standards and complying with automatic door legislation not only

safeguards the welfare of users but also helps mitigate liability and legal risks. It demonstrates a

commitment to creating a safe environment and enhances the reputation and trustworthiness of

the organisation.


Compliance with automatic door legislation helps to foster a culture of safety, ensuring that all

individuals, including those with disabilities or limited mobility, can access and navigate spaces

with ease and confidence.


Which safety standard is commonly used for automatic doors?


In the UK, the automatic door standards and safety regulations for powered pedestrian doors

are governed by various codes and guidelines, with the primary standard being BS EN



The BS EN 16005:2012, officially titled “Power operated pedestrian door sets – Safety in use –

Requirements and test methods,” sets out the automatic door standards and guidelines for the

safe operation and installation of powered pedestrian doors. It specifically focuses on the

automatic and power-assisted swing and sliding doors used for pedestrian access.


The standard encompasses a range of safety aspects to protect individuals using these doors. It

addresses potential hazards and risks associated with the operation of powered pedestrian

doors and provides guidelines to mitigate these risks.


The standards cover the management of a number of key elements in powered pedestrian

doors including sensor technology and safety features, activation devices, door opening and

closing forces, safety measures for emergency situations, as well as door installation and maintenance.


Compliance with the BS EN 16005:2012 standard is crucial for manufacturers, installers, and

owners of powered pedestrian doors in the UK. Adhering to this standard helps ensure the

safety of individuals using the doors, reduces the risk of accidents or injuries, and demonstrates

a commitment to providing a safe and accessible environment.


It is important to note that safety standards and regulations may evolve over time, and it is

recommended to stay up to date with the latest revisions and guidelines provided by relevant

regulatory bodies and industry associations.


Regular Maintenance & Servicing


The BS EN 16005:2012 standard emphasises the importance of proper installation by trained

professionals and routine maintenance to ensure the ongoing safety and reliable operation of

the doors.


At Safetell, we help our clients ensure the safe and reliable operation of their automatic doors

with our automatic door maintenance service. We ensure that your automatic doors operate

efficiently and meet automatic door legislation requirements.


Contact our professional experienced team to find out more about automatic door maintenance

and how we can help.